What does Oracy look like at Chisenhale?


Oracy is the skills of speaking and listening and we are really passionate about this at Chisenhale, with 'Communication' being one of our key curriculum drivers.


We held a parent/carer workshop to tell you more about this. If you missed this, please take a look at the information attached to this page to discover some fun activities to practise oracy with your children.

More information about our work on oracy will be added soon.


Updated: 08/01/2018 64 Bytes
Updated: 09/05/2024 13.36 MB
Updated: 21/05/2024 240 KB
Every morning is a Marvellous Morning at Chisenhale! The staff greet the children at the classroom doors, welcoming them into the room, starting a conversation about their evening, the book they are reading or just checking in with them. The Marvellous Mornings start everyone's day the right way.
Updated: 08/01/2018 64 Bytes
The children use these hand signals to that they have a new idea, want to build on another person's idea or challenge something that has been shared. The signals are used during discussions within lessons and in our oracy assemblies.
Updated: 21/05/2024 150 KB
In KS1, children take on different roles during discussions - Builder, Developer or Prober. This prompt provides sentence stems to support them to structure their ideas in full sentences.
Updated: 08/01/2018 64 Bytes
Every classroom door has a Challenge Us poster on display. This is to encourage visitors to talk to us about our learning across the curriculum.

Chisenhale Radio Theatre