We also work in positive partnerships with the range of people and organisations that form part of the school community, including children, parents, staff, governors, local churches and business and voluntary organisations. We are also fortunate to be supported by a range of partners including:
- Action for Bow provides grants to organisations to run services in Bow to further local social and economic regeneration. Funding from Action for Bow has helped support our swimming, cooking and gardening projects in school.
- Butler and Stag – This local estate agent supports the school financially and attends many school events.
- Capital Growth and School Food Matters Both these organisations support our work on the Edible Playground. We are featured on both websites.
- Chisenhale Art Place, an arts education charity occupying a former factory on Chisenhale Road is home to three distinct initiatives. Pupils at the school are able to engage in projects with, and visit, all three: Chisenhale Dance, Chisenhale Gallery and Chisenhale Studios. Artists from the studios regularly help out with our Art Weeks and children are able to visit their studios to find out what a career as an artist involves.
- Chisenhale Parent Teacher Association (CPTA), who work tirelessly every year to organise a number of events, which not only raise money for the school but also provide a number of social highlights for families and children (see Parent Information for more details)
- ELBA – The East London Business Alliance coordinates corporate volunteers to come into school and help with gardening and refurbishment projects.
- English for Action provides tutors for our free English language classes for parents which run every Monday morning. EFA London provides English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses for adult migrants in communities across London with the aim of reaching people who may miss out on mainstream ESOL courses.
- Felix Project - We participate in their schools project, which helps to redistribute healthy surplus food that is made available to children and their families to take home and enjoy. Interactive assemblies help pupils and staff to understand the reasons why so much food in our country is wasted, what happens to food if it's not eaten and, importantly, what we can all do together to stop wasting food.
- Helicopter Stories - We are a certified training centre for this innovative approach to learning that allows children to act out their own stories. Willow Clark is our Helicopter Stories Champion and helps to train other practitioners. Find out more at
- Parmiter's Bethnal Green educational fund, who buy the children books each year.
- St Barnabas Church – We use our local church to stage our annual nativity performance and support their food bank through our Harvest Appeal.
- Worshipful Company of Bakers plays an active role in the continuing development of the baking industry and allied trades nationally and internationally through training, scholarships and as an authoritative and independent voice in food manufacture and retailing. Every year their bakers come into school to support our Lessons in Loaf project along with Cassie Liversidge and Ali Noor.
- Worshipful Company of Musicians, who provide live professional musicians who come and play for the children each term.
- Worshipful Company of Weavers, a City Livery company, who regularly give us funding towards bigger projects in school such as the library, the revamped early years garden​, the climbing frame and the school counselling service. Giles Ridley from the company is a long-standing community governor at the school and has recently been joined by Paul Kenning.