Welcome to the Chisenhale School website.
We hope you enjoy finding out more about us here!
Chisenhale is proud to be a community school. Our community is a rich social and ethnic mix and families are welcomed to become an important part of school life. We have a really committed and hard-working staff team, who want children to enjoy learning through a range of interesting experiences.
Our vision is Learning Together for a Better Future and in order to achieve this vision we aim for all children to be
- Successful learners
- Confident individuals
- Responsible citizens
As a school we have a strong ethos of inspiring children to enjoy learning. We celebrate the rich diversity within our community and nurture children’s individuality.
Staff’s particular talents are valued and we also recognise the need for consistency and shared standards for school life.
As Head I have both the great responsibility and the great privilege of working for the children and families in the school.
My aim is to do the best for every individual child - working hard to make sure that the vision, values and school improvement plans are carried out throughout the school.
We hope you will enjoy our website, either as visitors, or as partners with us at Chisenhale. Please have a look through the different pages on offer and do get in touch with any comments or if you want to know more.
If any parents require a paper copy of any of the information on our website please come in to the school office where we will print the documents you require.
Parents can also give their views on Chisenhale School by clicking the link below.