We have been working closely with the charity Chefs in Schools to develop our school lunches.
We recently appointed our new Head Chef, David, who alongside the leadership team and Chefs in Schools, has been working hard to create and deliver our new exciting lunch offer.
The options on our menu have been carefully selected to include tasty but nutritious dishes which cater to the dietary requirements for all our pupils.
We always encourage the children to try the food, we never force them to eat, as we understand that everybody has different tastes and we want our pupils to develop a healthy attitude towards eating.
If the children enjoyed their meal and are still hungry, they are always welcome to ask for a second helping!
School lunches.
Children sit with their class in the hall to eat their lunches. Our lunchtime staff supervise and model good lunchtime behaviours, such as sitting at the table to eat, how to use a knife and fork and interacting positively with others at the table.
The children can choose from one of two main dishes.
To this they can then add a side portion, such as bread or rice, and roasted vegetables or raw vegetables from our salad buffet.
Water is served to all children at lunchtime.
We are aiming to achieve our Gold Healthy Schools Award and are being supported to achieve this by a knowledgeable and dedicated team. As part of this initiative, we are committed to not serving puddings after lunch, as this can contribute to childhood obesity and tooth decay.
Instead, children may choose from healthy fresh fruit, greek yoghurt with fruit compote or cheese and crackers to finish their meal.
All food prepared in school is Halal, including all meat dishes.
Please click HERE for our School Food Policy
Packed lunches.
Some children may wish to bring in a packed lunch on certain days.
Please ensure packed lunches contain a healthy sandwich or other suitable main meal. Sweet sandwich fillings such as chocolate spread and jam are not allowed.
The school has a healthy eating policy and packed lunches must keep to this policy; this means no crisps, fizzy drinks, chocolate, biscuits or sweets. Instead, children may bring in yoghurt, fruit, or cheese and crackers alongside their main meal.
Please note, we also have a whole-school no nuts or sesame policy due to children’s allergies. This also applies to packed lunches brought from home.
Cost of school lunches.
At present, all children from Reception to Year 6 are entitled to free school meals, funded by the national and local governments.
Nursery children pay for their lunches and parents and carers may pay on a daily, weekly or monthly basis at the school office. School lunches must be paid for before they are eaten.
Families receiving certain benefits or living on a low income may be entitled to free meals for nursery children too. Please ask in the office for a Pupil Premium form or for more details.
School lunches cost £2.90 each day and £14.50 for the week. You can pay for lunches online using our Parent Pay system or with a debit/credit card.
How you can help.
- Please do encourage your child to try new foods at home.
- Allow your child to safely practise using a knife and fork when they are eating.
- Encourage them to stay seated whilst they eat.
- If you can, try to have family meal times together, where everyone gets the chance to chat about their day. This will help to build your child’s positive relationship with food and eating.
Future goals.
We understand that lunchtime is about so much more than just eating; it’s a chance for children to chat and socialise with their peers, to relax, and to develop a sense of belonging within our school community. A good lunchtime results in your child being ready to learn for the afternoon ahead.
In the near future, we will be developing a ‘family style dining’ approach to serving our lunches.
In the meantime, we are encouraging and modelling with the children how to chat quietly with others at their table and how to keep the lunch space a tidy, calm and inviting space for others.
New Menu WINTER 2024
Please click here to view our exciting new menu