Head Teacher - Gemma Anidi

Gemma is usually in the playground at the start and end of the day and you can always go into the office to book a meeting if you need to speak to her.


Members of staff will be in the school playground to pass on any messages to your child’s class teacher in the mornings. If you want to arrange an appointment to see a member of staff, please go to the school office, or speak to them in the playground at the end of the day.

At the end of the school day

Your child’s teacher and teaching assistant, as well as other members of staff, will be in the playground at the end of each day to talk to you about your child, or any other aspects of school life, or to arrange an appointment.

Parents’ Meetings

We have Parents’ Meetings twice a year, where all parents and carers are encouraged to come in and talk to their child’s class teacher, as well as looking at their work. Details of how to book an appointment come out in Chisenhale Chatter, our weekly newsletter, and everyone is encouraged to come along. We offer appointments until 7pm on one of the evenings, to cater for working parents.

Parent Workshops

Different members of staff run workshops for parents, usually on Friday mornings 9-10am. The details are in the weekly Chisenhale Chatter newsletter.

Trips and Events

Trips and events are also chances to meet and work alongside the staff in different ways – dressed as Santa’s Elves at the Winter Fair, painting faces at the Summer Fete or walking around Mile End Park looking for bugs!!


Chisenhale School Opening Hours - 32.5  hours per week Recepion to Year 6

Breakfast Club - 7:45am - 8:45am

School gates opens at 8:45am and closes at 8:55am

School registers close at 9am

The EYFS opens at 8:45am and closes at 8:55am

The Nursery classes finish at 3:15pm

The Reception Classes finish at 3:25pm

Years 1 - 6 finish school at 3:30pm

Night Owls - 3:15pm - 6pm 


Please note: We aim to acknowledge all emails within two working days, and to respond in full (or arrange a meeting or phone call if appropriate) within five working days. For teachers please email: info@chisenhale.towerhamlets.sch.uk






Christine Dorrington (mornings)



Maria Smith (afternoons)


Tel: 0208 980 2584


Admin team

Reception desk daily


Christine AM only


Maria PM only

  • All general queries
  • Attendance
  • School Meals
  • Medical Needs and First Aid 
  • Payments for trips

Kim Glynn

Tel: 0208 980 2584



Admin team




  • Night Owls and 

Breakfast Club queries

  • School journey
  • Parent pay
  • School trips
  • Admissions/leavers 

Ruth Crossan

Tel: 0208 980 2584 option 4


Parental engagement and extended schools



Face to face in the playground in the mornings.

  • General school enquiries
  • PTA and fundraising
  • Volunteering
  • Help with forms, transitions, signposting to other services
  • School visits for prospective pupils
  • After school clubs
  • Community events
  • Library

Class teachers

Daily - in the playground at the end of the school day.

 Urgent queries: call the office

Non-urgent queries – at the end of the school day or email the info@ mailbox.

  • Academic progress
  • Day-to-day information sharing/updates
  • Pupil learning
  • Sharing information
  • Suggestions for home support 
  • Behaviour queries

As our teachers are teaching all day, speaking to them in the playground at the end of the school day is usually the quickest way to get an answer to any queries.. However, we appreciate that this isn’t always possible, especially for working parents, so if you are unable to speak to the teacher face to face please email info@chisenhale.towerhamlets.sch.uk which will be forwarded to the appropriate teacher.

Tracy Miller (Early Years)

Willow Clark (Y1/2)

Rumi Begum (Y3/4)

Matt Leser (Y5/6)

Phase leaders


 Urgent queries: call the office

Non-urgent queries – email the info@ inbox

  • Queries/concerns not felt to have been fully addressed by class teachers 

Jane Crouch

Learning mentor


 Email the info@ inbox

  • Children’s friendship issues
  • Children’s wellbeing

Roxy Bugler

Therapeutic lead in school

Tuesdays only

  • Emotional wellbeing of children, parents and staff

Joanna Sweeney and
Sarah Nyes

Assistant Headteachers


 Urgent queries: call the office

Non-urgent queries – email the info@ inbox

  • Queries/concerns not felt to have been dealt with by phase leaders
  • Teaching and learning
  • Curriculum

Mairead McCarthy

SENDCo, Assistant headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead



Face to face in the playground before and after school.

  • Queries/concerns not felt to have been dealt with by phase leaders
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities,
  • Medical Needs
  • Behaviour

 Head Teacher Gemma Anidi


Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead



Face to face in the main playground before and after school. 


Early Years gate on Tuesday mornings.


Urgent queries: call the office

Non-urgent queries – email the info@ inbox

  • Queries/concerns not felt to have been dealt with by assistant headteachers
  • Strategic planning
  • Standards
  • Curriculum development
  • Attendance
  • Safeguarding 
  • Health and Safety 

Jo Bird


Office and Finance manager




  • Payments
  • Invoices

Sue White

Data Protection Officer
