


We aim to provide an ambitious, inclusive curriculum, inspiring all children to acquire knowledge and skills to create inquisitive minds and ignite a lifelong love of learning. 


As a school we have a strong ethos of inspiring children to enjoy learning. We celebrate the social and cultural diversity of our community, building on this to broaden children’s understanding of the world. Our curriculum has been designed to support all pupils from our disadvantaged, SEND, children of different faiths or none and ethnicity to reflect an inclusive school. We have high expectations for our children academically and take equal care to nurture their all-round abilities, individuality and personal confidence through a rich and exciting curriculum.  We are currently a UNICEF Rights Respecting School Gold Awarded school.


For further information on our vision and values, please see the document below:


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Our children learn through a Creative Curriculum. We are continually developing this in order to make the learning more exciting and meaningful. We work have half termly topics and the details about these are sent out in the topic letters to parents and carers – these are also saved under the 'Learning' tab for each key stage.


For information about the Chisenhale curriculum and our approaches in different subjects, please look at the subject specific pages. 

For an overview of the Primary National Curriculum, please visit the Department for Education website by clicking HERE.